You might remember that it was announced earlier today that Splatoon 3 would receive an update to version 3.0.0 later today. The official patch notes for the update, which also reported that support for the Inkopolis DLC would be included, also broke the news.
Well, Nintendo just made the update available. Splatoon 3 should be at version 3.0.0 once you upgrade. Although it isn’t surprising, the change is significant. Many improvements and bug fixes have been made. You could view the patch notes in their whole down below if you missed them.
Changes to DLC
- Added support for Inkopolis DLC.
- Players who have purchased the Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass – Inkopolis & Side OrderDLC can now travel between Inkopolis and Splatsville using the train station in the square.
- Inkopolis has the same shops and features as Splitsville.
- The shops in Inkopolis also have the same lineup of products as Splitsville. Buying something in one location will be sold out for the day in both areas.
Season and Catalog Changes
- On March 1, 2023, data relating to Fresh Season 2023 will be added to the game. This includes:
- A new catalog, including new gear, titles, Splashtags, decorations, stickers, and emotes.
- A new gear brand, Z+F.
- About 126 new items were added to store product lineups.
- Two new battle stages: Um’ami Ruins and Manta Maria.
- Two new special weapons: Kraken Royale and Super Chump.
- Twelve new sets of existing primary weapons paired with different sub and special weapons.
- Twenty-three new Tableturf Battle cards.
- Prizes can be obtained by trading fish scales at Grizzco.
- Thanks to a special Closeout Bonus, you can earn more Catalog Points than usual during the week before the end of the season.
Changes to the Notifications Feature
- I added the Pool feature.
- The Pool feature allows players to send and receive notifications with others in the same Pool.
- Players can enter a phrase to join a Pool by opening the Lobby menu, selecting the Notifications tab, and pressing the + Button.
- For example, if you enter “Turf War Fans,” you can send and receive notifications with players who have also entered “Turf War Fans,” You can join or drop in on each other’s games using reports.
- While there isn’t a limit on how many people can join the same Pool, there may be cases in which notifications won’t be sent to all members if many players are connected to the same Pool simultaneously.
- When you receive an invitation to play or a “Fresh!” notification, it will be displayed on the screen.

Changes to Multiplayer
- New unique weapons have been added.
- Weapon sets with these specials will be available in the shops at the Start of Fresh Season 2023.
Special WeaponDetailsKraken Royale
- Transform into a colossal squid or octopus and attack by pressing the B Button to jump or holding and releasing the ZR Button to make a charge attack.
- You’ll be vulnerable for a moment before and after transforming, but you won’t take any damage from attacks while changed.
Super Chump
- Aim and scatter a bunch of balloon-like decoys in a particular area.
- Markings that look like Super Jump landing spots will display on the ground where the decoys will land.
- The decoys can be destroyed if hit with an attack.
- Decoys that aren’t destroyed will explode after a specific time, inking the turf around them and dealing damage.
- New weapons have been added.
- These weapons will be available in the shops at the Start of Fresh Season 2023.
WeaponSub WeaponSpecial WeaponNeo Sploosh-o-maticSquid BeakonKiller Wail 5.1Neo Splash-o-maticSuction BombTriple InkstrikeN-ZAP’ 89AutobombSuper Chump.96 Gal DecoSplash WallKraken RoyaleCustom Jet SquelcherToxic MistInk StormL-3 Nozzlenose DBurst BombUltra StampRapid Blaster DecoTorpedoInkjetClash Blaster NeoCurling BombSuper ChumpKrak-On Splat RollerSquid BeakonKraken RoyaleZ+F Splat ChargerSplash WallTriple InkstrikeZ+F SplatterscopeSplash WallTriple InkstrikeTri-Slosher NouveauFizzy BombTacticooler
- Specifications for some primary weapons have changed. Main WeaponChange DetailsBig Swig Roller
- When striking them with ink, I roughly doubled the amount of damage dealt to nonplayer objects (Splash Walls, umbrellas, etc.).
- Specifications for some sub-weapons have changed.Sub-WeaponChange DetailsBurst Bomb
- It increased the time it takes for the ink to recover after being used by about 0.16 seconds.
- Specifications for some special weapons have changed. Special WeaponChange DetailsTrizooka
- Damage dealt to Crab Tank armor increased by about 20%.
- It made activating the effect from the Special Power Up gear ability easier, even when the player only has a few items with that gear ability equipped.
- The effect gained from equipping the maximum number of Special Power Up gear abilities will not change.
- Damage dealt to Crab Tank armor increased by about 2.5x.
- Damage dealt to Crab Tank armor increased by about 3x.
Killer Wail 5.1InkjetUltra Stamp
- Points required to use some weapon specials have been changed.WeaponBeforeAfterAerospray MG190180N-ZAP ‘85190180Tri-Slosher190180Ballpoint Splatling200190Tri-Stringer190180
- Changed the terrain in some stages for some modes and reduced the impact of weapons shooting from far away.StageModeEeltail Alley
- Turf War
- Splat Zones
- Tower Control
- Rainmaker
- Clam Blitz
Hagglefish Market
- Turf War
- Splat Zones
- Clam Blitz
Mincemeat Metalworks
- Turf War
- Splat Zones
- Rainmaker
- Clam Blitz
Hammerhead Bridge
- Turf War
- Splat Zones
- Tower Control
- Rainmaker
- Clam Blitz
Museum d’Alfonsino
- Turf War
- Splat Zones
- Rainmaker
- Clam Blitz
Mahi-Mahi Resort
- Turf War
- Splat Zones
- Turf War
- Splat Zones
- Tower Control
- Clam Blitz
Wahoo World
- Turf War
- Splat Zones
- Clam Blitz
- The sound effect when activating Ultra Stamp is now less audible to teammates.
- The sound effect when activating Inkjet is now less audible to teammates.
- The sound effect when activating Crab Tank is now less audible to teammates.
Changes to Salmon Run
- A new King Salmonid called Horrorboros might appear.
- Whether a Cohozuna or a Horrorboros appears will depend on the schedule.
- Data relating to the upcoming Big Run event has been added.
- Data relating to the limited-time Eggstra Work event has been added.
- In Eggstra Work, players can assemble a group of two to four friends or members from the same Pool and then compete against other teams using the same job scenario to collect as many Golden Eggs as possible during five waves.
- The initial hazard level and the job scenario for Eggstra Work are fixed, which means that every team will face off against the same Salmonids under the same conditions every time. However, if your group exceeds the Golden Eggs quota by enough, your hazard level will increase, making it possible to get a higher score.
- You can now preview items when exchanging fish scales, similar to how you can preview items at Atlantis, etc.
The best articles we’ve written about Splatoon recently are listed below; if you want to learn more, read them!
- Splatoon 3 Splatfest World Premiere Demo Times, How To Join, And More
- Splatoon 3 Shows a Detailed View of the New Map Arriving With the Next Season
- Is Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass Release Date Coming Out?
Changes to Connectivity
- They made it so players will be notified when their connection is unstable. If the relationship continues to be dangerous, player controls will temporarily be disabled.
Changes to Splatfests
- They changed the amount of XP required to level up a Splatfest Tee. Splatfest Tees with more gear abilities will no longer require more XP to level up than those with fewer gear abilities. BeforeAfter0 Abilities2,0007,5001 Ability8,0007,5002 Abilities14,0007,5003 Abilities28,0007,500
- Winners of 10x Battles, etc., will be announced during the Anarchy Splatcast.
- This announcement will display automatically when in the lobby. It is not related to the timing of stage changes that happen every two hours.
- Slightly adjusted ink colors during Tricolor Turf War battles when Color Lock is turned ON.
- When you win a 10x Battle, a notification will be sent to your friends and members from the same Pool.
Changes to Lockers
- Added a feature to store all items placed in your locker at once.
- Press the – (Minus) Button while editing your locker to use this feature.
Changes to Tableturf Battle
- Playing Tableturf Battle against friends and players in the same Pool is now possible.
- You can create a room for Tableturf Battle in the lobby.
- Up to 10 players can join a room for Tableturf Battle.
- If two players in the same room sit at the Tableturf Battle tables on the lobby’s second floor, a game between the two will commence.
- You can watch a game between two players by approaching them and pressing the A Button.
- You can also play with nearby friends via the same process at the Shoal. Up to eight players can join a room for Tableturf Battle at the Shoal.
- Increased responsiveness to quick inputs made on the Edit Deck screen.
Changes to the Lobby
- Added a jukebox to the lobby.
- You can use 100 cash to temporarily change the music playing in the lobby to your chosen song.
- You’ll gain more songs as you progress in the game.
- When using the jukebox in a Private Battle room, the music you choose will also play in the lobbies of other players in that room.
Other Changes
- It increased the number of badges obtained based on player level.
- We have increased the number of items displayed in the gear shop at once to nine.
- Any titles, banners, decorations, badges, or emotes from previous catalogs that haven’t been obtained will now be available in the Shell-Out Machine.
- It is increased the image quality on some screens in Photo Mode.
- I increased the time before screen burn-in reduction activates in specific modes, such as while playing Story Mode or viewing replays.
- Teams will be disbanded to improve the matchmaking efficiency in Open Anarchy Battles, and new players will be added if only a few current players select Keep Going.
- As before, when playing in a group with friends, the team will stay together regardless of the number of players remaining.
The main objective of this update is to add compatibility for the Inkopolis section of the Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass – Inkopolis & Side Order DLC. It also adds information and features about Fresh Season 2023 and modifies combat.
The main goal of the improvements for battles is to maintain special-weapon balance.
Further adjustments have been made to reduce tactics involving repeatedly employing specific sub-weapons.
We intend to publish updated data incorporating main-weapon changes by analyzing data early in this state.
We’ve added a brand-new King Salmonid foe and the momentary Eggstra Work event for Salmon Run.
Fresh Season 2023 will feature one or two Eggstra Work occasions.
To participate in Eggstra Work right now, you’ll need a group of players, but we’ll consider allowing lone players to sign up later.
In addition, we have added several features, made significant and minor enhancements, and fixed bugs.
The next update, which will mainly address balance modifications, is scheduled for release in late March or the first half of April.
Bug Fixes
Fixes to Player Controls
- It fixed an issue that caused some players who quickly changed direction to look unstable on other players’ screens.
- They fixed an issue that allowed players to do a Squid Roll briefly when jumping from an inked floor onto an un-inked bed while touching a wall.
- It fixed an issue that prevented players from submerging themselves in ink on the ground if landing on the floor while touching an un-inked wall.
- They fixed an issue where players who held the R button after doing a Squid Roll off a wall could end up in the pose for using a Curling Bomb, Fizzy Bomb, or Smallfry.
- It fixed an issue where players who did a horizontal swing with a roller and made contact with a Torpedo after it changed shape could sometimes be pushed back slightly.
- Fixed an issue where players who attacked an enemy with a roller by rolling into them—but did not splat them—could sometimes be pushed in an unintended direction.
- They fixed an issue where certain special weapons were activated. At the same time, a roller was being lifted, the ink would still fly forward, even if the activation of the particular cut off the roller’s movement.
- Fixed an issue that made the ink from a Carbon Roller, Carbon Roller Deco, or Flingza Roller look like a different texture than the ink from other rollers.
- It fixed an issue that caused the charger barrel to move a lot when standing still and firing with a low charge, causing the aim and trajectory to differ significantly from what was intended.
- They fixed an issue where, if another player did a Dodge Roll as they slipped through a grate, that player would appear on other players’ screens in a different place than they were for a longer time than expected.
- Fixed an issue that caused a delay of up to one second before damage to a brella began to recover if the umbrella was closed directly after blocking damage from a foe.
- Fixed an issue that caused umbrellas fired on a slanted surface to tilt up and down more than usual.
- They fixed an issue that caused umbrellas to be able to climb up steep inclines that they usually wouldn’t be able to climb.
- Fixed an issue where, if your umbrella was broken the moment you launched it, it would appear broken on your screen but continue moving on other players’ screens.
- Fixed an issue that made other players using a Splatana Wiper appear to have ink in their weapon to everyone else, even if they were out of ink.
- It fixed an issue that enabled players to climb to otherwise unreachable high terrain in rare cases when getting pushed back after touching an enemy’s Splash Wall.
- It fixed an issue that enabled players to climb otherwise unreachable high walls in certain stages while in Crab Tank’s mobile mode.
- They fixed an issue where assists were incorrectly assigned when players moving slowly after being sucked in by an Ink Vac were splatted.
- They fixed an issue that sometimes sent a player’s Wave Breaker far away when they tried placing it on the edge.
- They fixed an issue where players may not be returned to the spot where they activated a Zipcaster or Inkjet special if they started it right after landing on a grate in swim form after a Super Jump and subsequently fell off the stage.
- Fixed an issue where players would still appear to be taking ink damage if they took damage from an enemy’s Ink Storm while submerged in ink, even if they swam around.
Fixes to Multiplayer
- They fixed an issue that caused the point at which a player is considered to have fallen off the stage to be lower than intended.
- It fixed an issue where ink from an enemy’s Sprinkler that hit a wall wouldn’t drip on other players’ screens.
- They fixed an issue that allowed Fizzy Bombs to throw a sure way to damage players within a Big Bubbler when the Big Bubbler was on moving terrain.
- Fixed an issue that allowed certain Zipcaster, Crab Tank, and Reefslider attacks to deal damage to opponents behind thin terrain.
- It fixed an issue that prevented a Crab Tank’s armor from taking damage if it touched the Rainmaker shield while in mobile mode.
- It fixed an issue that caused a Tacticooler to sometimes appear in a different location on the screen of the player who placed it than on the screens of other players.
- It fixed an issue that allowed the ZR Button to be used to stop a Reefslider even after a battle ended.
- Fixed an issue where players who tried to use Ink Storm while the rain cloud from their last Ink Storm was still on the stage would have their particular gauge freeze for that Battle.
- They fixed an issue where if you splatted a player who had a gear ability enabling them to see through terrain equipped (like Thermal Ink or Haunt, etc.) using a special weapon that has an ink tank (like Inkjet, etc.), sometimes the ink tank would be the only thing the splatted player could see through terrain when they respawned.
- Adjusted the density of the border of Splat Zones when displayed through terrain and addressed an issue with visibility depending on the ink color.
- Fixed an issue in Tower Control where using a Crab Tank on the terrain around the tower would sometimes cause it to take control of the building even if it wasn’t on the building.
- They fixed an issue in Rainmaker that caused players to sometimes clip into the terrain if caught between the landscape and the Rainmaker shield.
- Fixed an issue in Rainmaker where performing a Super Jump onto checkpoints or the goal at a particular moment as they rose sometimes made players clip into them.
- Fixed an issue in Clam Blitz where the splash of ink displayed when throwing a power clam looked different than intended.
- Fixed an issue in Clam Blitz where if an enemy’s power clam were sitting on top of a closed basket, it would automatically count as the power clam going into the basket when it reappeared.
- Fixed an issue in Clam Blitz where, if you repeatedly throw and pick up clams for a short time, the clams you picked up would sometimes not display or follow you.
- Fixed an issue in Clam Blitz where breaking an opponent’s barrier as time ran out in a unique three-minute overtime after a regular scoreless match would not count.
- It fixed an issue in Turf War and Splat Zones modes that allowed you to climb over certain obstacles and cross terrain in unintended ways on the Scorch Gorge stage.
- They fixed an issue in Eeltail Alley that caused the ink to fly above a bridge if a player splatted an enemy while jumping under the bridge.
- It fixed an issue in Rainmaker that caused the goal distance in Undertow Spillway to change significantly if you jumped on an enemy sponge of a specific size while holding the Rainmaker.
- They fixed an issue in Clam Blitz where clams were not placed symmetrically at the Start of a battle on the Mincemeat Metalworks stage.
- It fixed an issue in Tower Control that allowed you to unintentionally climb walls from above sure fences on the Museum d’Alfonsino stage.
- They fixed an issue in Mahi-Mahi Resort that caused the water level not to change if participants disconnected at certain times.
- You had fixed an issue in Rainmaker where the announcement that your team had broken through the checkpoint wasn’t displayed when you broke through a checkpoint first on the Mahi-Mahi Resort stage.
- Fixed an issue in Sturgeon Shipyard where, if another player Super Jumped onto a moving drawbridge, they would appear on other players’ screens as having landed on the ground regardless of whether or not they landed on the drawbridge.
- Fixed an issue in MakoMart that sometimes caused players to become stuck in the terrain.
- They fixed an issue in Wahoo World that allowed players to climb particular walls unintentionally.
- Fixed an issue in Wahoo World that sometimes caused players to clip into the terrain when Super Jumping to specific locations.
- They fixed an issue in Clam Blitz mode where clams were placed at the Start of the Battle so that they got stuck inside sponges on the Brinewater Springs stage.
- You have fixed an issue in Tower Control, Clam Blitz, Turf War, and Splat Zones modes where you could climb up particular unclimbable walls on the Flounder Heights stage.
- It fixed an issue in Tower Control and Rainmaker modes that allowed you to climb unclimbable walls and terrain on the Flounder Heights stage using methods not intended to be used.
Fixes to Salmon Run
- They fixed an issue that prevented players from escaping a Flyfish’s container if they entered while in life-ring form.
- It fixed an issue that prevented players from moving while on top of a gusher in life-ring form.
- It addressed an issue that caused the timing of each player’s Super Jump to be off.
- They addressed an issue that caused Salmonids to deviate from their set movement path and become stuck in the terrain under certain conditions.
- Addressed an issue where players could be considered inactive and have communication cut when performing a ground-rolling attack with a roller at a plodding speed, despite this being an action one can usually perform.
- They adjusted the animation of the Grizzco Brella when launched and reduced its brightness.
- They fixed an issue that caused players to sometimes clip into the terrain if they touched the lower part of a Maws after it attacked.
- It fixed an issue that caused the Triple Inkstrike guide not to follow the movement of a Flyfish when it hit the Flyfish’s cockpit.
- It fixed an issue where the Grizzco Splatana couldn’t damage a Stinger.
- It fixed an issue that sometimes caused multiple Big Shots to spawn from the same spot.
- They fixed an issue that sometimes caused Golden Eggs to land on top of the egg basket if a player defeated a Snatcher flying over it.
- It addressed an issue that caused a slowdown when players were in specific places on the Marooner’s Bay stage.
- They fixed an issue during Cohock Charge mode that made a cannon unusable if a player got splatted while in it.
- Fixed an issue during Goldie Seeking mode where if a gusher were activated just before the wave ended, the gusher would also stay active in the next wave.
- Made it so that if the Mothership comes to steal Golden Eggs from the egg basket with no eggs inside during Mothership waves, Chinooks will not come out of the Mothership.
- They fixed an issue that caused Slammin’ Lids to rise unnaturally high in certain areas on the Spawning Grounds stage.
- They fixed an issue on the Marooner’s Bay stage that sometimes caused Golden Eggs to fall and stick onto the side of the boat when the Snatcher carrying them got splatted.
- It fixed an issue that caused Stingers and Drizzlers to overlap significantly in certain areas on the Marooner’s Bay stage.
- Fixed an issue where a player’s friends they had just worked a shift with didn’t appear in front of Grizzco afterward.
- It fixed an issue that prevented players from getting a Big Run badge if a communication error occurred at a specific time.
- Fixed an issue that affected a player’s lesson progress if they did “Lesson One: On-the-Job Basics” after a particular wave occurred in their prior shift.
Fixes to Splatfests
- It fixed an issue that caused some of the floats being set up during the Splatfest Sneak Peek not to display.
- They fixed an issue that caused players to look different than usual when taking photos on a Splatfest Float.
- They fixed an issue that caused player avatars not to do poses designated by the player when taking photos on a Splatfest Float.
Other Fixes
- It fixed an issue that prevented stickers from the Splash Mob gear brand from showing up.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the line indicating how many Rank Points were needed until the next rank to be displayed in the wrong position, giving the impression that the player had skipped a level. This occurred when players earned Rank Points equal to the amount needed to rank up.
- We fixed an issue where gear with ★★★★ star power would sometimes earn one fewer XP than it should.
- They fixed an issue with replays that caused the battle action to differ from the original Battle while navigating through a video. For example, a player who should be on the stage could appear to have been splatted, etc.
- Fixed an issue where watching certain battle replays would cause the game to crash or cause part of the game display to disappear.
- Fixed an issue where selecting Start Over in the menu to replay a battle sometimes resulted in umbrellas being in a different state than in the first replay.
- They fixed an issue with Private Battles in the Shoal where only camera options and no player settings would be reset even if Reset Options were turned ON.
- They fixed an issue where, after a player turned Reset Options ON in the Shoal, the setting would remain ON when they started a Private Battle or Private Job in the lobby or at Grizzco.
- It fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the sort feature on the Equip menu from working correctly.
- They fixed an issue in Ammo Knights and Atlantis where, even if players tried to change their equipped gear, the changes would not be applied to some parts.
- Fixed an issue where, if a player was trying something on in a shop and then moved to another shop from the main menu, they would start in the Trying On state in the other shop.
- They fixed an issue in Ammo Knights where dualie weapons appeared more petite than usual while players tried them out.
- We fixed an issue where performing specific actions after talking to Murch would cause the A Button to stop working on the menu screen, preventing the player from proceeding.
- Fixed an issue where, if the player switched from Listen to Splatcast to Watch Splatcast, the X Battle stages wouldn’t be shown on the Anarchy Splatcast when multiplayer maps and modes were updated.
- They fixed an issue in the match menu where specific actions would cause the battle stats to display be duplicated in Notifications.
- They fixed an issue during recon where players who touched the Rainmaker shield while in swim form on an ink, rail would continue to take damage until they got splatted instead of falling.
- We fixed an issue where applying certain filters during a photo shoot would cause the coloring of the stage to change after ending the photo shoot.
- They fixed an issue where if a player used the timer during a photo shoot and then placed the Rainmaker on a checkpoint before picking it up again, the time that the player held the Rainmaker wouldn’t be reset.
- Fixed an issue where sub-weapons held in a player’s hands wouldn’t show up correctly in photos if they used the timer during a photo shoot.
- It is fixed an issue where the effect that indicates when a charger or stringer is fully charged wouldn’t show up in photos if a player used the timer during a photo shoot.
- Fixed an issue where applying certain filters during a photo shoot at certain stages would make it extremely difficult to see the screen.
- They fixed an issue where the ink color of an amiibo’s weapon would sometimes appear to be a different color than the amiibo if certain weapons (Splat Roller, etc.) were equipped.
- Fixed an issue where, if a player chose Change Gear, Then Go! and changed their gear, the gear they transformed into would sometimes be applied to the battle result screen for the previous Battle.
- They addressed an issue that sometimes caused slowdowns when players regained control of their characters after finishing a battle and returning to the lobby.
- It fixed an issue that caused the shoulder part of specific clothing placed in a locker to stretch out unnaturally.
- They fixed an issue where players would be unable to enter the locker room if a communication error occurred at a particular time after they edited their locker for the first time.