Free Playstation Plus Game is Ineligible for the PS5 Upgrade

Players who purchased the PlayStation 4 edition of Cities: Skylines are eligible for a free upgrade to the game’s freshly available PlayStation 5 remaster. For PlayStation Plus, Cities: Skylines joins the ranks of free games like Final Fantasy VII: Remake and Man of Medan that do not allow for upgrades to PlayStation 5 versions.

May 2020’s PlayStation Plus selection of titles included Cities: Skylines for PlayStation 4. Over three years later, Paradox Interactive and developer Colossal Order revealed that the city-builder Cities: Skylines would be coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S as Cities: Skylines Remastered. Cities: Skylines was announced for the next-gen PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 31.

Free Playstation Plus Game is Ineligible for the PS5 Upgrade
Free Playstation Plus Game is Ineligible for the PS5 Upgrade

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The game will launch on these systems on February 15 with 25 buildable tiles, a streamlined user interface, a map editor, and improved performance over the previous-gen editions. Cities: Skylines Remastered for Xbox Series X/S is also available to Xbox Game Pass members right now. Nevertheless, those who have already redeemed Cities: Skylines on PlayStation 4 through PlayStation Plus will not be able to receive a free upgrade to the PlayStation 5 edition.

Not long after the release of Cities: Skylines Remastered, the official Cities: Skylines Twitter account stated that the PlayStation Plus version would not receive a free upgrade to the new PlayStation 5 version. For gamers to get their hands on the free upgrade, Paradox Interactive insists they buy the PlayStation 4 version of the game. If you’d rather not upgrade from the PS4 version, Cities: Skylines Remastered is available for purchase from the PlayStation 5’s PlayStation Store.

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In addition, the physical PlayStation 4 disc edition is not eligible for the free upgrade, as confirmed in the official Cities: Skylines Remastered Q&A. As cross-saves are not supported, save data from the original Cities: Skylines games cannot be imported into the remastered edition. Players who own the game on PlayStation Plus will be unable to load their old saves when they play the remaster on PlayStation 5.

PlayStation Plus members who are anticipating the release of HD remakes of some of their favorite games are likely to be disappointed by these regulations. While some users are disappointed by the requirement to buy Cities: Skylines before receiving the free upgrade, others argue that a larger percentage of current gamers should be eligible for the offer.

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Riyana Taylor

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