Deck13 Interactive, the maker of The Surge and Lords of the Fallen, announced its upcoming game, Atlas Fallen, at Gamescom Opening Night Live last summer. Cinematic footage of the fantasy action role-playing game, which evoked vital elements of Monster Hunter and Dune, was initially exhibited in a cinematic teaser.
Atlas Fallen’s premiere on YouTube had 2.4 million views, showing its widespread appeal. The release date for Atlas Fallen has been set for May 16 across all platforms, and it’s not too far off. Publisher Focus Entertainment announced on Wednesday.
Given how little has been seen of Atlas Fallen up to this point, the announcement of its release date is a bit of a surprise. In August, less than 10 seconds of actual gameplay were shown off in the lone trailer for the PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X game. Meanwhile, Focus Entertainment promises a “spectacular gameplay trailer” shortly.
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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, due to Nintendo Switch on May 12, may eclipse Atlas Fallen, but the game’s release schedule feels like a kind of counterprogramming because it is coming to current rival platforms.
At last year’s Gamescom expo, Deck13 and Focus demonstrated Atlas Fallen’s gameplay in a hands-off, behind-closed-doors capacity, so there’s more to it. Now, all we have to hold us over are fresh game screenshots. Below is a gallery showing off cooperative fun while battling monsters in the sand.